Observer Countries

The RCM also includes 5 countries that have the status of Observer Countries. These are:

  • Argentina;
  • Colombia;
  • Ecuador:
  • Jamaica;
  • Peru.

They participate in open discussions of the Meeting of Deputy Ministers, but are not involved in the agenda items, in the processes of decision making, or in the preparation of documents containing recommendations or commitments unless they have permission of the Presidency Pro-Témpore (PPT).

For a country to be considered by Vice-Ministers for observer status, it should:
• Be geographically located on the American continent.
• Express in written form its adhesion to the commitments of the Puebla Joint Communiqué.
• Have a significant movement of migrants with at least one Member Country of the RCM.
• Accept addressing the phenomenon of migration in a multilateral context within the RCM.
• Accept the commitment to ensure the orderly movement of persons and respect for human rights of migrants.
• Have policy, legislation, and practices in place that are oriented towards addressing international migration.
• Commit to designating officers from institutions addressing the phenomenon of international migration to attend Vice-Ministerial meetings of the RCM.
• Submit a written declaration to Vice-Ministers stating the interest in and commitment with the above-mentioned principles.
• Recognize that the decision of accepting or rejecting a new application for observer status is made by Vice-Ministers during a private meeting.

• Be invited to make declarations but may not participate in the discussion or development of documents relating to recommendations and decisions reached as a result of the RCM meetings.
• Accept that Member States of RCM reserve the right to hold meetings exclusively for Member Countries.