Virtual conference cycle: Labor Migration and Economic Recovery: Contributions from Businesses and Governments

Virtual conference cycle: Labor Migration and Economic Recovery: Contributions from Businesses and Governments
About the event: 


Virtual Conference General Objective

Facilitate a dialogue that contributes to exchanging ideas, reflections and joint solutions between business organizations, employers and the governments of the RCM Member Countries to meet the challenges and enhance the benefits of labor migration, including in the post- pandemic economic recovery process.

Specific Objectives

1. Identify the expectations and priorities of employers' organizations and companies to potentiate the incorporation of migrant workers into the workforce, as well as regarding migration policies and how these policies respond to employer’s needs, both in terms of the workplace, the value chain, as market agents and as part of the care structures.
2. Exchange best practices and lessons learned from public-private alliances in RCM countries that promote labor migration and migrant social inclusion.
3. Analyze potential labor migration markets and labor trend changes against current challenges and future work in RCM Member States, focusing on innovative technologies and promoting the employment of migrants (including entrepreneurship).
4. Promote the use of guiding frameworks and tools developed by international cooperation (IOM, UNDP, ILO) for ethical and fair recruitment, entrepreneurship and development of sustainable livelihoods of migrants.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020 to Wednesday, September 2, 2020
San José - Virtual Session
Coordinating institution: 
Executive Secretariat
Coordinator of the event: 
Luis Alonso Serrano