Meetings of the Working Groups, RCGM and XXVIII Vice-Ministerial Meeting
The Working Group meetings were held from November 14 to 16, 2023.
The Working Group meetings were held from November 14 to 16, 2023.
To bring together and promote greater collaboration among the champion countries of the region and other Member Countries with a view to advancing the implementation of the GCM, as appropriate, and contributing to the 2030 Agenda.
To promote the exchange of experiences, best practices, and collaboration between the Public Ministries, REDTRAM points of contacts of the member countries of the RCM and some countries of the SACM linked to the comprehensive fight against human trafficking and migrant smuggling.
To make a balance of the use of parallel investigation tools, joint investigation teams, as well as binational and multi-country operations in the fight against these two crimes to determine their results, challenges and scope.
To define specific sub-regional and regional actions for the creation of joint investigation teams in cases of human trafficking and migrant smuggling to be implemented in a short-medium term.
Promote greater collaboration between the countries of both regional processes to address hemispheric challenges related to migration governance, including irregular and extra-regional migration.
Identify specific problems that require attention to promote regular migration and socio-economic integration and establish next concrete steps to establish joint lines of work between the RCM and the SACM.
To strengthen Member Countries' capacities in labour market information systems and labour migration statistics for decision-making and for the design and implementation of employment and migration policies.
To promote the exchange of experiences and best practices and the dissemination of knowledge, and to generate dialogue aimed at developing proposals for assistance to women and girls in human mobility contexts and the development of their autonomy and empowerment, with a gender, intersectional, human rights, and inclusion approach.
To strengthen the regional and bilateral cooperation actions of the Member Countries in order to contribute to orderly, safe, and regular labor mobility.
To promote a change of narrative towards migration and migrants with a human rights approach through the appropriation of tools for narrative change and discussions around the rights of migrants, including training and sensitization of the media in compliance with the Global Compact on Migration.
Position, on the RCM regional agenda, the relevance of strengthening government capacities to identify diaspora profiles and strengthen mechanisms for accessing legal identity.
About the RCGM:
The RCGM is the technical-policy coordination body of the RCM; it is composed of at least mid level officials, preferably Directors, of migration related ministries, such as foreign affairs and immigration authorities with decision-making capability that can formulate proposals.